尖峰神经网络(SNN)是一种具有生物学知识的模型,具有高计算能力和低功耗的优势。虽然对深SNN的培训仍然是一个空旷的问题,但它限制了深SNN的现实应用。在这里,我们提出了一个名为Spiking SiamFC ++的深SNN架构,用于对象跟踪,并通过端到端直接培训。具体而言,Alexnet网络在时间域中扩展以提取该功能,并采用替代梯度功能来实现对深SNN的直接监督培训。为了检查尖峰SiAMFC ++的性能,考虑了几种跟踪基准测试,包括OTB2013,OTB2015,Dot2015,Dot2016和UAV123。发现与原始的siAMFC ++相比,精度损失很小。与现有的基于SNN的目标跟踪器相比,例如暹罗(Siamsnn),提议的Spiking SiamFC ++的精度(连续)达到了85.24%(64.37%),远高于52.78%(44.32%)的精度(64.37%)。 。据我们所知,Spiking SiamFC ++的性能优于基于SNN的对象跟踪中现有的最新方法,该方法为目标跟踪领域中的SNN应用提供了新的路径。这项工作可能会进一步促进SNN算法和神经形态芯片的发展。
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The past two decades have seen increasingly rapid advances in the field of multi-view representation learning due to it extracting useful information from diverse domains to facilitate the development of multi-view applications. However, the community faces two challenges: i) how to learn robust representations from a large amount of unlabeled data to against noise or incomplete views setting, and ii) how to balance view consistency and complementary for various downstream tasks. To this end, we utilize a deep fusion network to fuse view-specific representations into the view-common representation, extracting high-level semantics for obtaining robust representation. In addition, we employ a clustering task to guide the fusion network to prevent it from leading to trivial solutions. For balancing consistency and complementary, then, we design an asymmetrical contrastive strategy that aligns the view-common representation and each view-specific representation. These modules are incorporated into a unified method known as CLustering-guided cOntrastiVE fusioN (CLOVEN). We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the proposed method on five datasets, demonstrating that CLOVEN outperforms 11 competitive multi-view learning methods in clustering and classification. In the incomplete view scenario, our proposed method resists noise interference better than those of our competitors. Furthermore, the visualization analysis shows that CLOVEN can preserve the intrinsic structure of view-specific representation while also improving the compactness of view-commom representation. Our source code will be available soon at https://github.com/guanzhou-ke/cloven.
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Our situated environment is full of uncertainty and highly dynamic, thus hindering the widespread adoption of machine-led Intelligent Decision-Making (IDM) in real world scenarios. This means IDM should have the capability of continuously learning new skills and efficiently generalizing across wider applications. IDM benefits from any new approaches and theoretical breakthroughs that exhibit Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) breaking the barriers between tasks and applications. Recent research has well-examined neural architecture, Transformer, as a backbone foundation model and its generalization to various tasks, including computer vision, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. We therefore argue that a foundation decision model (FDM) can be established by formulating various decision-making tasks as a sequence decoding task using the Transformer architecture; this would be a promising solution to advance the applications of IDM in more complex real world tasks. In this paper, we elaborate on how a foundation decision model improves the efficiency and generalization of IDM. We also discuss potential applications of a FDM in multi-agent game AI, production scheduling, and robotics tasks. Finally, through a case study, we demonstrate our realization of the FDM, DigitalBrain (DB1) with 1.2 billion parameters, which achieves human-level performance over 453 tasks, including text generation, images caption, video games playing, robotic control, and traveling salesman problems. As a foundation decision model, DB1 would be a baby step towards more autonomous and efficient real world IDM applications.
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Self-supervised representation learning follows a paradigm of withholding some part of the data and tasking the network to predict it from the remaining part. Towards this end, masking has emerged as a generic and powerful tool where content is withheld along the sequential dimension, e.g., spatial in images, temporal in audio, and syntactic in language. In this paper, we explore the orthogonal channel dimension for generic data augmentation. The data for each channel is quantized through a non-uniform quantizer, with the quantized value sampled randomly within randomly sampled quantization bins. From another perspective, quantization is analogous to channel-wise masking, as it removes the information within each bin, but preserves the information across bins. We apply the randomized quantization in conjunction with sequential augmentations on self-supervised contrastive models. This generic approach achieves results on par with modality-specific augmentation on vision tasks, and state-of-the-art results on 3D point clouds as well as on audio. We also demonstrate this method to be applicable for augmenting intermediate embeddings in a deep neural network on the comprehensive DABS benchmark which is comprised of various data modalities. Code is availabel at http://www.github.com/microsoft/random_quantize.
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User and product information associated with a review is useful for sentiment polarity prediction. Typical approaches incorporating such information focus on modeling users and products as implicitly learned representation vectors. Most do not exploit the potential of historical reviews, or those that currently do require unnecessary modifications to model architecture or do not make full use of user/product associations. The contribution of this work is twofold: i) a method to explicitly employ historical reviews belonging to the same user/product to initialize representations, and ii) efficient incorporation of textual associations between users and products via a user-product cross-context module. Experiments on IMDb, Yelp-2013 and Yelp-2014 benchmarks show that our approach substantially outperforms previous state-of-the-art. Since we employ BERT-base as the encoder, we additionally provide experiments in which our approach performs well with Span-BERT and Longformer. Furthermore, experiments where the reviews of each user/product in the training data are downsampled demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach under a low-resource setting.
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In this work, we propose an ID-preserving talking head generation framework, which advances previous methods in two aspects. First, as opposed to interpolating from sparse flow, we claim that dense landmarks are crucial to achieving accurate geometry-aware flow fields. Second, inspired by face-swapping methods, we adaptively fuse the source identity during synthesis, so that the network better preserves the key characteristics of the image portrait. Although the proposed model surpasses prior generation fidelity on established benchmarks, to further make the talking head generation qualified for real usage, personalized fine-tuning is usually needed. However, this process is rather computationally demanding that is unaffordable to standard users. To solve this, we propose a fast adaptation model using a meta-learning approach. The learned model can be adapted to a high-quality personalized model as fast as 30 seconds. Last but not the least, a spatial-temporal enhancement module is proposed to improve the fine details while ensuring temporal coherency. Extensive experiments prove the significant superiority of our approach over the state of the arts in both one-shot and personalized settings.
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Monocular depth estimation is a challenging problem on which deep neural networks have demonstrated great potential. However, depth maps predicted by existing deep models usually lack fine-grained details due to the convolution operations and the down-samplings in networks. We find that increasing input resolution is helpful to preserve more local details while the estimation at low resolution is more accurate globally. Therefore, we propose a novel depth map fusion module to combine the advantages of estimations with multi-resolution inputs. Instead of merging the low- and high-resolution estimations equally, we adopt the core idea of Poisson fusion, trying to implant the gradient domain of high-resolution depth into the low-resolution depth. While classic Poisson fusion requires a fusion mask as supervision, we propose a self-supervised framework based on guided image filtering. We demonstrate that this gradient-based composition performs much better at noisy immunity, compared with the state-of-the-art depth map fusion method. Our lightweight depth fusion is one-shot and runs in real-time, making our method 80X faster than a state-of-the-art depth fusion method. Quantitative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method can be integrated into many fully convolutional monocular depth estimation backbones with a significant performance boost, leading to state-of-the-art results of detail enhancement on depth maps.
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Learning precoding policies with neural networks enables low complexity online implementation, robustness to channel impairments, and joint optimization with channel acquisition. However, existing neural networks suffer from high training complexity and poor generalization ability when they are used to learn to optimize precoding for mitigating multi-user interference. This impedes their use in practical systems where the number of users is time-varying. In this paper, we propose a graph neural network (GNN) to learn precoding policies by harnessing both the mathematical model and the property of the policies. We first show that a vanilla GNN cannot well-learn pseudo-inverse of channel matrix when the numbers of antennas and users are large, and is not generalizable to unseen numbers of users. Then, we design a GNN by resorting to the Taylor's expansion of matrix pseudo-inverse, which allows for capturing the importance of the neighbored edges to be aggregated that is crucial for learning precoding policies efficiently. Simulation results show that the proposed GNN can well learn spectral efficient and energy efficient precoding policies in single- and multi-cell multi-user multi-antenna systems with low training complexity, and can be well generalized to the numbers of users.
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We present a high-fidelity 3D generative adversarial network (GAN) inversion framework that can synthesize photo-realistic novel views while preserving specific details of the input image. High-fidelity 3D GAN inversion is inherently challenging due to the geometry-texture trade-off in 3D inversion, where overfitting to a single view input image often damages the estimated geometry during the latent optimization. To solve this challenge, we propose a novel pipeline that builds on the pseudo-multi-view estimation with visibility analysis. We keep the original textures for the visible parts and utilize generative priors for the occluded parts. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves advantageous reconstruction and novel view synthesis quality over state-of-the-art methods, even for images with out-of-distribution textures. The proposed pipeline also enables image attribute editing with the inverted latent code and 3D-aware texture modification. Our approach enables high-fidelity 3D rendering from a single image, which is promising for various applications of AI-generated 3D content.
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The ability to associate touch with sight is essential for tasks that require physically interacting with objects in the world. We propose a dataset with paired visual and tactile data called Touch and Go, in which human data collectors probe objects in natural environments using tactile sensors, while simultaneously recording egocentric video. In contrast to previous efforts, which have largely been confined to lab settings or simulated environments, our dataset spans a large number of "in the wild" objects and scenes. To demonstrate our dataset's effectiveness, we successfully apply it to a variety of tasks: 1) self-supervised visuo-tactile feature learning, 2) tactile-driven image stylization, i.e., making the visual appearance of an object more consistent with a given tactile signal, and 3) predicting future frames of a tactile signal from visuo-tactile inputs.
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